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The Hair


인간이 되기 위해 끝없이 털을 미는 남자 이야기.

2013년에 SOMEBOOKS에서 출판되었고,

2014년 볼로냐 아동 도서전 라가치 어워드에서 수상하였습니다.


The story of the man shaving his constantly to be human.

Published by SOMEBOOKS in 2013,

Gained a special mention in 2014 Bologna Ragazzi Award (Opera Prima award category).


What the jury said
Sooyoung Kim creates an intense and disturbing world in this handcrafted production. The book explores themes of alienation and 'difference'. The suffering and pain of the central character in trasition is described with powerfoul drama and intensity. A strong left to right linear dynamic heightens the sense of the character's physical and metaphorical journey. Disturbing and enigmatic, this is a highly compelling debut.














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Posted on Picturebook Makers about process in <The Hair>.










* 책구입은 somebooks.kr에서 가능합니다. 

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